New Earth
From Eco
to Ego
For the 'New Earth - from Eco to Ego' practice we've picked as our topic Education. After discussion in class and own experience we realised school has a great reaching power as a Structure to change Mental Models. For this project we focused on a ecological and social perspective, being that the shift we want to cause is within these fields. We also consider that a down to top model of power and influence is a very clever and efficient strategy, and we based ourselves in projects such as Ghana Think Tank.

Theory Statement
Our project
Source: "The 16 Year Old calling out global leaders on climate change", Vice Documentary

Seeking on taking such approach, we analysed further the model on the Doughnut Economy and the piece Decolonisation as Care (Rizvi, Uzma) and highlight the time, care and criticality of “recognise ourselves, (…) our positions, and how our positions may be at the expense of others, be those others human or non-human.”

With the mapping tools provided, we realised a lack of responsibility and disconnection with Nature increasing in every generation. Added to the fact that the Education System lacks to handle this and doesn’t teach a proper skillset, based on emotional intelligence such as care, empathy and respect.

Our project targets an audience of kids from 6-12y old on primary school level. We believe that they that they represent the new ways for future generations and with more influence.
It aims to educate on balance in the ecosystem and systems thinking in a simple way to children being an outdoors game also increasing the time spent outdoors and socialising.

Currently there’s a huge relevance for the discussion of our work within the public agenda around Environmental issues and the emergence of young Climate and Political activists, such as Greta Thunberg and protesters such as Extinction Rebellion. We also looked back into Greta’s background and the Swedish educational model and culture.

To come up with this new skillset we analysed critically the patterns, structures and mental models, provided by the tools. We consider that to change people's behaviour of overconsumption and lack of interest in the Environment is to include care, empathy and respect as a new core skillset. We also intend to teach system-thinking in a simple way, inducing critical thinking.

Source: "Decolonization as care", Rizvi, U., 2016

Remaining multiple sources under 'Research'